
Welcome :)

Hi there! Welcome. I’m Elena, and I’m on a lifelong journey to living light. What does that mean, you ask?

I’ve come to realize that living light isn’t about perfection—it’s about learning to let go of the things that weigh us down, both physically and mentally. It’s about embracing health and wellness with a mindset of grace and freedom, and trusting that with each small step, we’re moving closer to the peace and joy that God promises.

On this blog, I’ll be sharing the highs and lows of my own path—my struggles with health, my love for whole food plant-based meals, my exercise adventures, and my pursuit of personal growth. I’ll also dive into mental wellness and my spiritual journey, offering insights and tips on how to find lightness in every area of life.

This is just one woman’s story, but I hope it resonates with you. Whether you’re just starting out or you’ve been on this road for a while, my goal is to share hope, encouragement, and inspiration along the way. So let’s take it step by step, and remember that living light is a lifelong road worth walking.